the more we give
the more we receive

Soulful Healing

love yourself unconditionally

Soulful Healing

mind body soul

Soulful Healing

Human Energy Body

The energy body is like a blueprint of the human body, which is more than just a collection of functioning parts. Since everything generates a frequency, the body and its organs have their own energy field which is continually changing. Every aspect of our existence is rooted in this energy system. If our life force is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well-being. The physical body is something we can see and feel, yet every cell within it is actually energy or light, vibrating at a slow enough rate to make it into visible physical matter.

However, surrounding and overflowing into our physical body is another body of energy made up of much finer, lighter, and higher vibrations, usually called the aura. This auric field is as much a part of our physical body. Our physical body is just the densest inner layer of this flowing energy field. This aura is spiritual energy, or life-force, which is present around everyone of us. Along with the aura, our energy body contains some active energy centers known as chakras, and a range of energy channels flowing through the body called meridians and nadis. Our chakras are like a super computer that contain all of who we are mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically. Chakras are funnel-like vortexes of energy often referred to as looking like lotus flowers moving in a circular motion.

Understanding this energy power panel can help us make life-transforming changes in every aspect of our lives.

Reiki is a holistic therapeutic energy healing technique that gently assists people with relaxing into deeply meditative states, which support the body’s innate capacity to destress on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Reiki is based on the principle of ki or “life force energy” flowing through the body. Blocks or stagnation of ki result in various forms of mental, emotional and physical diseases. Reiki helps us maintain or restore a healthy flow of ki, and healthy ki nourishes our physical body, helping to balance our mental and emotional energy.

Reiki Healing Energy provides means to balance the human energy fields – The Aura and energy centers – The Chakras to create conditions needed for the body’s healing system to function and raise our vibrations. There is enough supporting scientific evidence now to prove how Reiki assists in raising our vibrations for wellness. Reiki healing energy is a tool for use at any moment, and anywhere for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick release of energy.

Reiki cleanses and balances the energetic systems of the subtle body and assists with deepening self-knowledge, spiritual connection, and positive outlook on life. Reiki compliments other therapeutic techniques and medical treatments. Once there is a balance in the body’s energies, a conducive atmosphere for healing is created. Reiki is a beautiful and loving phenomenon that has the potential to positively transform your life.

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